You can also do this crossword on animals. Besides, for further listening practice, you can do this listening from your MultiROM CD.
Remember you can do some more reading practice here, just choose the texts from unit 5.
We've also done some work on the environment. This is some simple vocabulary, and this is a more complex exercise. This is the listening we did in class about deforestation.
In file 4A we've seen how to describe clothes. If you want some further practice, you can gossip here to see who (according to the Mirror newspaper) were the best and wrost dressed actresses at the Oscars last Sunday. For difficult vocabulary, remember you now have a dictionary online in this page, just RIGHT-CLICK on it, so that you have it in a new tab and you don't leave the blog. For the actual list of winners, click here.
We've also practised passives, for further practice go here, or here. Theory and lots of practice here, here, here, and this link and this other one are on "to have something done".
Here's a song by Katy Perry which was sent to me by Sara for you to sing along and practise. Don't you love it?
In file 4B we'll discuss about men and women, but just to look at the fun side of it, you can watch this sketch explaining the differences between men's and women's brains. Hilarious!
part 2:
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